This monthly communication is emailed to our entire membership (500+ Emails) on the first business day of the month.
Projected Reach: 500+ per newsletter
Audience: Chamber Members and General Community
Main Banner Ad: $300 (Exclusive)
Advertise following the Clive Chamber featured event in the Clive Chamber of Commerce Newsletter for 12 months, January 2025 to December 2025. Banner ad may be changed throughout the year at sponsor’s discretion. URL of sponsor’s website will be linked to the image for engagement. Ad in finished format (1150 x 288 px in Jpg file format) must be submitted to [email protected] 1 week prior to publication each month.
Banner Ad: $150
Advertise in the Clive Chamber of Commerce Newsletter for 12 months, January 2025 to December 2025. Banner ad may be changed throughout the year at sponsor’s discretion. URL of sponsor’s website will be linked to the image for engagement. Ad in finished format (1150 x 288 px in Jpg file format) must be submitted to [email protected] 1 week prior to publication each month.