A Special Celebration for Your Business
The Clive Chamber of Commerce is always eager to welcome new businesses to Clive or to celebrate the expansion of existing businesses.
The Chamber is here to serve you in a supporting role for the event. This celebration is the time to showcase what your business has to offer our community.
The Clive Chamber of Commerce conducts Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies as a complimentary service for Chamber members. Ceremonies can be performed as a stand-alone event or as a part of an Open House or Grand Opening. We bring the camera, official scissors and, of course, the ribbon!
To make the most of this special celebration, assure availability of the Chamber staff, and avoid conflicts with other Chamber programs or functions, please schedule your event with the Chamber as early as possible. Remember, the earlier you contact us, the better.
The event can be as simple or elaborate as you choose. To begin the process of scheduling your ribbon cutting please complete our Ribbon Cutting Application.
To view a calendar of upcoming events, click HERE.
When would a business hold a ribbon cutting:
- If your business opened its doors in the last 12 months
- If you are within a year of purchasing an existing business
- If your business moved to a new location
The Chamber will:
- Supply green ribbon and giant scissors
- Send out a press release prior to the ribbon cutting
- The Chamber President or a Chamber representative will attend the event and would be pleased to say a few remarks on behalf of the Clive Chamber during the program
- Provide marketing of the ribbon cutting to its members and City of Clive officials via emails and newsletter
- Take pictures at the event and post them on the chamber Facebook page, chamber website and chamber newsletter following the event.
The Business is asked to:
- Provide details on business to include in press release
- Provide the chamber with a jpg file of the company logo to be used in promotional communications
- Invite business associates, family and friends to the event
- Provide light refreshments – contact the chamber of vendors if needed
Ideas to make your event a success:
- Celebrate – it’s a party! Choose a theme that fits with your business and/or time of the year for your event. Decorate with balloons, etc. for a festive feel to the event.
- Welcome attendees and share the story of your business
- Recognize/introduce your VIP guests and staff.
- Have plenty of brochures/business cards available
- Conduct a tour of your facility
- Provide door prize(s) during the event, this is a great way to collect business cards of attendees
Not a member? Join now by completing the online membership application, click HERE.